Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Shenyang City University & Study in sycu
How to Apply
1. Entry requirements:
1) Being healthy and capable of accomplishing studies.
2) No bad habits or criminal record. Abiding by Chinese laws, regulations and school discipline. Respecting the customs and traditions of Chinese people.
3) Students who apply for undergraduate study must have graduated from high school or have equivalent professional qualifications as high school graduation qualifications.
2. Application Date:
1) The application deadline for self-financed international students is 31st July each year.
2) Students who interest in short-term programs can apply at any time.
3. Application Materials:
All the materials are supposed to be offered either in Chinese or in English. You will need to include the following documents with your application:
1) Application form (with fixed pattern)
2) A photocopy of the main page of your passport and visa blank page (if the photo page and the personal information page do not coincide, the personal information should also be offered)
3) Resume
4) The highest educational certification having been notarized and double authenticated. If the applications of enrolled students or employees in employment, another in-study certification provided by the school or in-service certification provided by the employing enterprise should be attached to the notarization of the translated version in Chinese or English.
5) Any transcript not in Chinese or English should be attached to the notarization of the translated version in Chinese or English
6) The applicants who demand Chinese for language instruction should present their HSK or BCT grading certificate or transcript. The applicant who demand English for language instruction should present their transcript of English test, IELTS or TOFEL (Those with English as a native language are excluded)
7) The original and copy of “Foreigner Health Examination Record” (officially printed by Chinese Health Department. Please go to a state-owned hospital and the copy must be authenticated by a Chinese Diplomatic or Consular Mission) and all the materials for health examination (blood test report, X-ray, etc.) should be brought to China with you.
8) The study research plan in China (no less than 500 words)
9) Photographs: 6 color photographs taken in the last three months (4.5*3.5cm) with names (English or Chinese)
4. Application Procedure:
Step 1: Present application materials
Step 2: Qualification examination
Step 3: Approval of admission
Step 4: Issuing admission motive and visa supplication form for international students to China (Form JW202)